We want your art

MetaLetters can be still or animated, 2D or 3D, photographs or videos, hand-illustrated or digitally rendered, monochromatic or color, conceptual or abstract.

We encourage artists to be as inventive as they want to be when thinking about the concept of what a letter is, or what one can be.

Our open call is ongoing, so we want to see your art! Choose your letter(s) and let your creativity flow.

Our goal is to auction one letter, every day, for the next five years (1,818 days).

MetaLetters can be still or animated, 2D or 3D, photographs or videos, hand-illustrated or digitally rendered, monochromatic or color, conceptual or abstract (needn’t be literal).

We encourage artists to be as completely creative when thinking about the concept of what a letter is, or what one can be.

Our open call is ongoing, so we want to see your art! Choose your letter(s) and let your creativity flow.

Our goal is to auction 1 letter, every day, for the next 5 years.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Submission Guidelines

• Your artwork may be submitted in 2D or 3D

All artwork must be inspired by one of the letters of the word M-E-T-A-V-E-R-S-A-L

Your artwork cannot have been previously minted on any blockchain and must be issued under a CC0 license

When artists submit 3D MetaLetters, they agree to the MetaLetters Terms of Service

For examples and inspiration, check out #metaletters on Twitter

Before you begin, please review the technical requirements below

Your artwork may be submitted in 2D or 3D

All artwork must be inspired by one of the letters of the word M-E-T-A-V-E-R-S-A-L

Your artwork cannot have been previously minted on any blockchain and must be issued under a CC0 license

When artists submit 3D MetaLetters, they agree to the MetaLetters Terms of Service

For examples and inspiration, check out #metaletters on Twitter

Before you begin, please review the technical requirements below

Are you a 3D Artist?

Showcase Your work as a giga object in Augmented Reality (AR)

Showcase Your work as a giga object in Augmented Reality

3D art submissions will be considered for display in augmented reality. Using our MetaLetters app [link to app], powered by Spheroid Universe, you will have the opportunity to showcase your letter as a giga object in AR at the next NFT conference.

Please follow the technical guidelines below for 3D art submissions

All 3D submissions will be considered for display in augmented reality (AR). Using our MetaLetters app, powered by Spheroid Universe, you will have the opportunity to showcase your letter as a giga object in AR at NFT conferences including NFT LA, NFT NYC, and NFT Paris

Please follow the technical guidelines below for 3D art submissions.

What Are Giga Objects?

Giga objects are a set of technologies that allow you to view 3D content located at specific geo-coordinates in augmented reality using your smartphone.

To determine the position of the user and the 3D content, the MetaLetters app uses your phone’s GPS, gyroscope, and camera.

3D content can be geo-located anywhere in the world, and content can be animated and customized to achieve the artist’s desired effect.

Giga objects and the MetaLetters app are powered by our partner, Spheroid Universe.

Giga objects are a set of technologies that allow you to view 3D content located at specific geo-coordinates in augmented reality using your phone.

To determine the position of the user and 3D content, a combination of technologies and sensors such as GPS, gyroscope and camera are used.

3D content can be placed anywhere in the world, users who are close to this location will be able to see the art object in augmented reality. Content can be animated and customized to achieve the desired visual result.

Powered by our partner [link to partners page], Spheroid Universe.

Past work

Giga MetaLetters Take Over NFT NYC

Want to submit your own MetaLetter?

It’s simple, we LOVE art. Help us discover you, so we can share you with the world.

3d Technical Requirements

For the files to be shown in giga AR, 3D MetaLetters must be provided as FBX and glTF files. FBX must be the original format, while the glTF file is created by exporting FBX via the \\ export plugin in 3D modeling software, this plugin is available for 3DS, Maya, Blender etc.

Guidelines to follow for FBX files for best results in AR:

1. FBX scene measurement units should be meters, that is a box of 1x1x1 unit is a box of 1x1x1 meters

2. 3D model size should be 1 meter by per the largest side (3D model should fit into a 1x1x1 meter box)

3. 3D model should have a single root node, and this node should be the only root node in the FBX scene

4. 3D model in FBX should be centered as follows: the bottom side of the model should be at Y=0 (model is placed on the ground), the center of the model should be at X = 0 and Z = 0 (the center of the model is in the center of FBX scene)

5. 3D model should have initial rotation as follows: if the camera is located at Z=-10 and look into the 0, 0, 0 we should see the front of the model, that is, the model looks into the -Z direction

6. Animated 3D models should contain a single FBX animation, for models that contain multiple simultaneous animations for different parts, all animations should be merged into a single animation

7. Textures should be provided as separate files (should not be embedded in FBX)

8. Texture file formats: JPG of PNG, preferably compressed in Photoshop (do not compress in TinyPNG)

9. The overall size of FBX + textures should not exceed 15MB, but the smaller the better

10. Do not place multiple models in a single FBX

11. Do not include cameras and lights in the FBX-scene

12. Do not include environment map in the FBX-scene

13. Shaders are not supported

14. Materials must conform to the GLTF 2.0 format

2d Technical Requirements

Guidelines to follow for FBX files for best results in AR:

1. Supplied artwork must be between 2,000 x 2,000 and 4,000 x 4,000 pixels

2. RGB

3. 3D model should have a single root node, and this node should be the only root node in the FBX scene

4. Supported file types are images (jpg, png, gif), videos (mp4 — please use the H.264 or X.264 codec), and audio (mp3)

5. The maximum file size is 50MB

6. For 3D Models (gltf, glb), see full 3D technical requirements below

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">We can’t wait to see what you make!
